The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#29 How to stop the spread of Diabetes: Start with food choices

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 29

Every day there’s talk about type 2 diabetes.  Year after year and decade after decade. Aren’t you tired of it?  I mean aren’t you tired of not getting your health back?  I normally don’t like to talk math and statistics, but today I think we need to dive in. Don't worry, this episode is more than just scary diabetes statistics, it's also about how to regain your health with a proper and non-boring diet. "We are what we eat", right?
It takes a little while for you to build your personalized menu.  This is how I coach each of my clients. Your care has to be personalized.


"Home is the place where we have the most control in creating a healthy life(...)you can participate in stopping the spread of type 2 diabetes by starting with some simple food choices".


  • The increase in diabetes cases between 1989 and 2018.
  • Family History vs Family Lifestyle: what's the real cause behind the rising number of kids with diabetes? 
  • Homework: 5 key questions to know how you're managing (or not) a healthy lifestyle.  
  • Slowly incorporate some foods that will substitute those that aren't helping with your diabetes management. Listen to some suggestions I share in the episode.