The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#23 Insulin Protocol, A Real Shot in the Arm

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 23

The type 2 diabetes management protocol has not worked in decades for those who want to naturally improve their health and reverse their type 2 diabetes. 
The management protocol is just that.  You “manage” your glucose levels with multiple medications and for 30% of Americans with diabetes are also prescribed insulin.   
I’ve seen some doctors indicate that a type 2 diabetic will most likely need insulin after 10-20 years and that this streamlines the process for the patient.

It may seem hard to adjust your lifestyle today by making better food choices, building in some activity and getting good rest.  Living on insulin shots for the rest of your life can increase that difficulty.  

Insulin adds a complexity to your life you can never imagine.  No one can replicate with shots what your body can naturally do.   Once you have a metabolic impairment lifestyle changes usually shows a better and healthier outcome.  

Find out about the top 7 concerns insulin dependency brings:

  1. You will never achieve a normal A1c level. Why? It's too dangerous.
  2. The protocol for type 2 diabetes patients to calculate insulin dosing at each meal is misunderstood.  
  3. Preservatives and stabilizers.  Understand why you can open an insulin pen and it can be used without refrigeration for 30 days or more.  
  4. Did you know insulin has side effects? 
  5. It’s advertised as  “human” insulin you are injecting, guess again.  It is human insulin analog.  
  6. Throughout the years of injecting insulin, your body will become desensitized, requiring you to increase your dosage.  
  7. No one ever mentions the psychological effects of insulin protocol.  Your life is forever changed and abnormal compared to other non-diabetics.  



  • "I was told to eat a snack before bedtime and take my insulin.  That didn’t sit right with me.  I asked several diabetic professionals why not adjust what I eat so I can take less insulin, all I heard was, 'I suppose you can try that.'"
  • "Did you know feeling hungry could actually be an indicator that something is wrong with your insulin?"
  • "I talk with insulin-dependent diabetics all the time.   Nearly 90%  of them were improperly dosing and using.  Unfortunately, most type 2 diabetics are not completely trained on using insulin."