The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#21 Diabetes Lightning Round Questions from the Listeners ANSWERED

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 21

Special episode to answer some of your questions. Keep them coming!

Joe: “My doctor keeps telling me I need a Statin drug because I’m a diabetic. Is it really related?”

Mariana: “I’m getting frustrated when I eat out at restaurants. I have a healthy meal and my glucose still spikes up. I’m having doubts that I’ll ever improve or reverse my diabetes. Do you think I can still do some good?”

Anthony: “My doctor says if I lose weight, my diabetes can go away, but several of my family members have diabetes, so do you think this is really true?”

Rosie: “My doctor wants me to take Metformin but the last time I took it I was terribly sick. I want to avoid other medications and fix it (diabetes) naturally. How do I convince my doctor?”. 

Sue Ellen: “What is the best supplement that I can take for diabetes”.


  • "Diabetes can upset the balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol and your Triglycerides".
  • “We want supplements to work as quickly as medication and that typically does not happen”.