The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#17 Stress and Diabetes

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 17

We all know constant and poorly managed stress isn't healthy for us. The physical and mental consequences are almost infinite. When cortisol levels are high for a long period of time it blocks your body from releasing insulin, meaning the glucose that's in your bloodstream stays there for that extra energy we need because stress is pulling us down.  Our pancreas will try to produce more insulin and so we start unbalancing the way our body should naturally be  working and that's when we can become insulin resistant.

Stress Red Flags
Even though some of these symptoms can be caused by certain medicines we may be taking or by other conditions we may suffer, they are the common denominator of high stress levels:

  1. Memory Problems
  2. Inability to concentrate
  3. Anxiety
  4. Mood Swings
  5. Changes in Appetite
  6. Poor or Excess of Sleep
  7. Isolating from other people - Depression
  8. Nervous Habits

What's the Call To Action today?

  • DO NOT SABOTAGE YOURSELF: We can always find time to take care of ourselves and blow some steam off, be it by exercising, taking a short or long walk, stretching, meditating, talking to friends and family. Go back to episode 10 with Nancy Gerald and perform a simple breathing exercise that will make you feel renewed.  
  • LOOK FOR HELP: When you can't see past through the current situation that's stressing you out. There's nothing wrong with it. 
  • WRITE DOWN 3 things that you can pre-plan to do that you're not currently doing. Also, write down the date that your current stress situation should come to an end.

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